How to get out of a Creative Slump

It happens to all of us at one time or another, where we just can’t seem to be motivated or inspired to be creative.

I have experienced this more times than i can count and as someone who relies on their creativity for their job, it can be a real struggle.

So I wanted to share with you some of my go to techniques to help get out of a creative slump. Some focus more inward/mental and others are external/physical influenced. So have a try and see what works for you!


I am sure you have heard this one before, but there is nothing that helps me get out of my head and just relax than going for a walk in nature. So whether its a bush walk or a seaside walk, make use of the fresh air in your lungs and even better if you leave your phone at home so you are not distracted by what’s going on in the world.


You don’t have to be a regular journalling person to use this tool to get out of a creative slump. My favourite form is using the free writing technique of Morning Pages. Writing at least 3 full pages will get out all the crap in your head on to the page so it’s not swimming around monopolising your thoughts.


Mediation is a tool that is great to tap into your creativity. There are a couple of ways i like to use it to get out of a slump. The first is using a guided meditation. I love one by Gabby Bernstien called Inspiration Meditation which guides you to feel more confident with affirmations and by the end, you feel as though you can do anything! The other way is using Mala Beads. This is also a great tool for focusing attention and can even be used to envision the end goal over and over if you are mid project. (Check out our Mala Beads Blog for more info)


My favourite way to reinvigorate my creative energy is through creative inspiration. My favourite being Books. Whether you have some at home or head to your local library and see what they have. I find the removal from your screen will help keep you in a creative mindset and to not get distracted. Pinterest is a great digital option too.

Workshops/Learn something new

There is nothing like just jumping in and getting your hands dirty with a fun new project. It doesn’t have to be your usual medium, if anything, it’s great if it’s not as it will help you see things from a new perspective and how you can enhance your creative energy in a new way! Check out our Jewellery and Glass Workshops and have a go!

Phone free time

I think we all aim for less screen time each week but very rarely get it down. But when I make a conscious decision to have even an hour of phone free time, you can give your mind space to ponder things are you may discover a new inspiration.

Watch something

Thanks to Netflix and numerous other networks spotlighting craftspeople in different shows these days, you can be inspired by seeing others create to get you off your butt to get going. From Blown Away (Glass Blowing), to Bake Off to the Pottery Throw Down or Big Flower Fight, there is so much creative entertainment out there and you may just learn something too!

So there you have it, my 7 go to ways to get out of a Creative Slump! I would love to hear your go to methods to add to my repertoire so please comment or send me an email to!

xx Corinne

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