A week of Creativity

It is a rare moment for most of us to be able to dedicate an entire week to just being creative. But that was my mission for the last week of my holidays before returning to work this month. The original plan was to do a week long painting class however due to the recent cases of Covid in the Sydney area, the class was cancelled. I still really wanted to push my creativity and do some different things so i kept that week blocked out in my calendar to do just that.

So aimed with a little help from books and YouTube, i put together a plan for my creative week. The 3 areas i wanted to explore were painting, sewing and macrame. As well as finishing a couple of things were not finished in 2020. Including the Mala Beads i made on Boxing Day. I loved making them so much, i created a few more for you guys so check them out. Mala Beads

Watch the video above for my journey through the week and the end results. I would love to hear how you have been exploring your creativity and doing new things! So comment, DM or email to asilvercircledesign@gmail.com to share your story.

Until next time

xx Corinne

The Art Of Learning

Are you like me and keep saying to yourself, i would love to learn how to _______, but you never actually do it!!. One thing we can say a huge thank you to covid for, is that it has made us really appreciate what time can do for us. Before this time, it was normal to be ‘busy’, to be cramming in as much experience as we can. But what have we missed out on?? That time to just discover and learn new things.

During the last few months, i have been open to learning new things and being creative in other ways. In fact i have made learning more of a priority rather than a ‘one day’. My focus since i started my business was to be designing and making jewellery as my outlet for my creativity that i felt i didn’t have as much creative capacity for anything more.

What i was really doing was limiting myself! It is so easy to do and it takes a change of perspective sometimes to open you up to what is possible.

So i participated in a Marquetry course with the kind soul Peter Young. Marquetry is a wood working technique that cuts veneer (thin pieces of timber) to create images. This is something commonly used in cabinets and boxes.

I loved learning this technique and figuring out how i could use it in a way that would suit my aesthetic. Most marquetry is done with flowers and leaves and that didn’t appeal to me all that much. So i started to sketch a landscape that i wanted to do for my own handmade box in order to do a larger piece.

As i created my own box with the help of talented woodworker Steven Giannuzzi, i have realised that box making is not my thing! Haha! But i still love the marquetry and exploring my creativity through the expression of lines and colour. So the two of us have teamed up to make some unique and colourful jewellery boxes. They are available by commission so be sure to send me an email via the Contact page.

As my creativity is expanding it’s wings, i have enrolled in upcoming classes for 3D drawing, painting and guitar to really see where my creativity can go and all that is possible. I feel that everything is linked and that you can find inspiration in completely unrelated things.

I would love to hear about your creative explorations and how it has changed you. Send me an email, FB message, Instagram DM or if you are logged in, a comment below. If you have always wanted to learn how to make jewellery, jump onto our workshops page and make it happen!

I look forward to hearing your stories.

xx Corinne