A week of Creativity

It is a rare moment for most of us to be able to dedicate an entire week to just being creative. But that was my mission for the last week of my holidays before returning to work this month. The original plan was to do a week long painting class however due to the recent cases of Covid in the Sydney area, the class was cancelled. I still really wanted to push my creativity and do some different things so i kept that week blocked out in my calendar to do just that.

So aimed with a little help from books and YouTube, i put together a plan for my creative week. The 3 areas i wanted to explore were painting, sewing and macrame. As well as finishing a couple of things were not finished in 2020. Including the Mala Beads i made on Boxing Day. I loved making them so much, i created a few more for you guys so check them out. Mala Beads

Watch the video above for my journey through the week and the end results. I would love to hear how you have been exploring your creativity and doing new things! So comment, DM or email to asilvercircledesign@gmail.com to share your story.

Until next time

xx Corinne

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